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Jun 21

Baker Sterchi Sponsors Juneteenth Event Featuring "The Milly Project"

Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice sponsored a Juneteenth event on June 18, 2024, at the Law Library Association of St. Louis.

Co-hosted by the Freedom Suits Memorial Foundation (FSMF) and the Law Library Association, the event showcased the video adaptation of the award-winning play “The Milly Project.” This play depicts the true story of Milly Sawyers, an enslaved woman who secured her freedom through a series of lawsuits filed in St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri, before the Civil War. Playwright Kendra Chappell uses Milly’s journey to highlight the enduring struggles and triumphs of Black Americans throughout history. Following the screening, a live panel discussion was held.

The FSMF is committed to both a physical memorial and educational initiatives to expand its message. Baker Sterchi attorney and FSMF President Paul Venker, along with Judge David C. Mason, founder of the Freedom Suits Memorial, recently discussed the foundation’s achievements and upcoming educational initiatives on St. Louis Fox 2 News.

Baker Sterchi is proud to support initiatives that foster diversity and education within the St. Louis community and beyond.